Friday, March 22, 2013

Changing it UP!!

About a year ago this month- our roommate moved out and we finally got a room for the girls! Due to my daughters birthday being on March 31st- I had to be frugal or just pick things I wanted to buy to get the girls room to feel less like a "guess room".. So I looked for a girly bed set but nothing in a queen size. You know most younger beds are full or twin, but we have a queen so both girls sleep in one. It is hard to find cutesy bed sets in queen, so I picked up a semi not to adult like bed set and it worked! I had to find a dresser without spending too much money- found a small one for free and it worked up until about 2 weeks ago when the drawers just gave out and the top one broke! Which it was not a very sturdy dresser anyhow. It was fly by the seat of my pants anyhow to get it to together for the girls to enjoy. But, now I have some time & money to look around **Still being frugal, though**
I let them pick from 5 bed sets which one they liked and could agree on, so I had to buy that online due to the size not in stores. I also got some ideas of pintrest for decorating the girls room on a budget.
I got an awesome dresser for them! It was my mom's and she had it in storage. I finally talked her into giving it to me for the girls, since she has not used it at all over 4 years now. I was going to pay her something, but she said NO. I am okay with that! Thank you MOM!
The girls use to have about 3 posters up, but do the walls being plaster- only 1 stayed up! I will be taking it down and moving it, but for now keep it on the wall so it will not get ruined.

Before pics of the room:

 During pics of the room:

After pics of the room:

 They also got new curtains, they have a window by the dresser. It is 2 windows in the corner & we use to (this is going to be tacky, but the girls were scared to sleep in the room without some covering) have a raider blanket to cover the window. NO I AM NOT A RAIDER fan.

                                         ~UPDATE~ 6.27.13~
The 3 frames on the wall above, actually 2 of them ended up falling and breaking. I had taken the glass out of all 3 when the 1st one fell.  I glued, I glued again and these frames just did not hold up. That is what I get for #1. getting them from the dollar store & #2. having plaster walls and not knowing how to manipulate them..
So both of the girls are out of town, so I decided I will make it look nice again. So I got scrapbook paper and used that like a border.. Here are the pics that I took this morning: This is simple, cheap, and will not fall off the wall!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Have you ever just wanted to sell your stuff and keep track of it??

So, I have been really thinking and thinking about selling things I make.
Then I started looking for templates on how  much to charge & keep track of things. I could not find very much online besides software to download. I did not really want that, so I decided to make one up for myself. I have something similar to this, but it is in word doc & not a lot of space to write things in & was really general.. So then I jotted down a rough draft of what things I wanted to keep track of and then just started putting my excel sheet together! 
I have formulas in the squares to tell me what my real profit would be. The only thing I do not have on here is the hours it takes me to make something. That really is not important to me, so I left it out.
I do however, have a 2nd tab on this worksheet to breakout cost of supplies. So when I buy something for a certain project- I jot down the price I paid. I also break it down by how much is in the package. If you bought a pack of 24 pipe cleaners & each project will only use 2 then you want to make sure you only have the cost of 2 of them down. If I bought something that can be used several times, like ink for a stamp- I divided that by 1 year. So that is the formulas I did on the 2nd tab. This works for me, it may not work for you. But it will  get your creative juices working and maybe help you create your own recording system.

  for stopping by.....            

Monday, March 4, 2013

If you shop online, why not get money back for doing so? ? ?