Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Thank You from a teacher

SO, I have to say I got a thank you card from Hailey's teacher.. Very nice! She said that we were very thoughtful & she appreciates students like her! How cute & thoughtful that was.
What I did not tell you, is that Hailey had already told me that she thought her teacher was mean.. She was really strict. Oppss.. Nothing like a little kiss butt to change her mind! The funny thing about that is, I had made up the S'more thing already & told Hailey she did not have to give it to her teacher, I can use it later.. But, Hailey still wanted to do it.
Makes me feel good that she sent that and that she recognized.
Danika's teacher did not do that. She did say thank you in person. I am that type of person that can not do one thing for my daughter and not include my bonus child.. Especially if we have them on the same day. That just isn't right..

Next up this week and next week, will be end of school year gifts for their classmates..
Then for the Summer time, our family projects: organizing their room, organizing the office,
putting together things to do with the kids: like glow in the dark slime, rock candy, camping, painting shirts and backpacks.. What fun!!


  1. That was nice of Hailey's teacher to acknowledge her gift w/a thank you card. Some people are better at that than others.
    Sounds like FUN summertime projects! :)
    Love you!

  2. Oh, & it sounds like a couple of late nites / early mornings preparing those classmates' gifts! It's all worth it! :)
