Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One of my projects

I had to face it, I need to do Danika's school year scrapbooks, but what is the best thing for a mother who works 40+ hours, plays softball on Tuesday nights, cooks dinner 3-4 nights a week, makes lunches, etc..
Where is the time to actually sit down and do a 12x12 scrapbook? It would take me 3 years to do 1 year, maybe! I am not kidding.. so I started thinking, I know it hurt to think, but had to be done. I have been seeing those SMASH books and I really like them. My thought here is that I can buy the smaller one, because I just realized they came out with the 12x12 & the smaller one can be carried around with me on a daily or weekly basis and I can add to it. I love the thing. Plus, you can use your Michaels coupon and get the 40-50% off!! Cant beat that...
So I started it, only by adding some writing on it: but I am really interested on how it is going to turn out. I am so excited about it. And I am going to start stocking up on them so I have them already, before they may not be around.You know how that goes, you get addicted to something and then they take it away. The only thing with the front of this first one, I could not find any stickers I liked that had Kindergarten on it, so I wrote with puffy paint.
The other great thing about this book/journal:
1. I can write what she said that day word for word, even tell how I am feeling at the moment, etc.
2. It has it's own pen/glue attached to the book.
3. It has it's own plastic cover for it to protect it.
4. They come in all different colors, so doesn't have to be exact all the time!

Just to let you know, I used PAINT software to block out her last name out..Those heart and flowers are not really there. I need to add school stickers to the front. I will show pictures later...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hailey's End of the Year Gifts

I found the cutest idea for Hailey, actually for any child. I had to recreate it and do it in word, but it worked.     I found a 3pk of pop rocks at the dollar store & felt like I scored big TIME!
 I took the picture right after gluing it so it did not have time to dry..
The only thing is, I started this idea & told Hailey about it a week prior and she was excited. I wanted her to participate, so that she can feel proud passing them out. You can not get that sense if I do it for her. The night I picked her up, the day before the last day of school, her mom had done something for her really good friends. I told Hailey we did not have to do anything if she did not want, she seemed to still want to do it. I told her that she has to help glue or cut them out.  As the night went on, she never said anything about it. I did not want to add to anything, so I never brought it up again. Plus, I do not want to step on her mom's toes. If she had done something, I did not want to over shadow her. So I just took a step back and the pop rocks are in the candy drawer. As I always say, whatever I do for Danika in this way, I will do for Hailey. It is her choice to follow through or not, but my time & energy is still there for her as well as my daughter.