Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hailey's End of the Year Gifts

I found the cutest idea for Hailey, actually for any child. I had to recreate it and do it in word, but it worked.     I found a 3pk of pop rocks at the dollar store & felt like I scored big TIME!
 I took the picture right after gluing it so it did not have time to dry..
The only thing is, I started this idea & told Hailey about it a week prior and she was excited. I wanted her to participate, so that she can feel proud passing them out. You can not get that sense if I do it for her. The night I picked her up, the day before the last day of school, her mom had done something for her really good friends. I told Hailey we did not have to do anything if she did not want, she seemed to still want to do it. I told her that she has to help glue or cut them out.  As the night went on, she never said anything about it. I did not want to add to anything, so I never brought it up again. Plus, I do not want to step on her mom's toes. If she had done something, I did not want to over shadow her. So I just took a step back and the pop rocks are in the candy drawer. As I always say, whatever I do for Danika in this way, I will do for Hailey. It is her choice to follow through or not, but my time & energy is still there for her as well as my daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Not only are you creative... you're respectful & thoughtful with a Big Heart! Love you.
