Thursday, July 5, 2012

Making Rock Candy

So I been wanting to do this for awhile with the girls, so I decided I had enough sugar to do this project. I also had mason jars from Danika's birthday left over. I had bought skewers and clothespins to do this project, so I had everything on hand. I read several different recipes, one of my girlfriends had done this project for her kids for science. So I got her feed back also on what to do and not do.
So I used 3 cups sugar to1 cup water; boil to candy stage. You then turn off the heat, let set for about 10 min. You want it to cool some. We used 3-4 drops of color. 1/2 tsp for imitation flavoring and 1/4 tsp if it is oil based.
Since we were doing 4 jars (2 colors for each kid), I had put the sugar mix in a bowl and waited for it to cool, while getting the other girl ready for her next color.

It was fun and messy. The girls picked cherry, raspberry, peppermint & plain for their flavors.

The girls had plugged in the radio in the kitchen so we were rocking out making rock candy!!

I have to say within 2 hours the blue peppermint began crystallizing. I will show you pictures.

I also read that during the time, if it begins to crystallize on the sides to pour into a new jar and wash out the old one.. move the stick over too- don't forget.

It was all over the mason jar, I could  not pry it out at all. I used  a knife to jab it out and then the stick came out with nothing on it. Guess what we might have to do tonight? Start a new blue one over. This one got crazy and over grew. I really think it was the flavoring, because that was the only difference between all the jars.

1 comment:

  1. I know I commented on this...
    So, did you re-do it? If so, how was it?
    Wow. Rock candy. How long did all that last?
    Sweet ... no, literally. lol
