Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chore Chart

I have been thinking... The time is now to start giving the girls chores.  Almost 3 days, they get  a donut and juice before school- we stop at the donut shop or 7eleven. Our special day is Friday, we stop at Starbucks.
Are these girls spoiled? They need to learn some responsibilities & add to the family. Plus, it does help me out. I usually run the whole house, as you well know most mothers do. I also work on top of that & try to squeeze time in their for my love, the girls & a little for myself- not much time though for myself...

I have been searching on Pintrest & Google for different ideas on chore charts for kids. I have a whole bunch that I semi-like, but I found this magnet one and my favorite is sold on eEtSy. But, guess what? I can DO IT!! I will show you one example, maybe 2 of what I really like: 

The one on the right is with pricing (how much each chore will pay you- I don't like that part) and can be bought on EtSy. She has different colors for the lettering and a chain rather than ribbon, if you would prefer- but this is totally doable!! I have bottle caps that I have been collecting for a couple of years that I was going to use for different magnetic/embellishments for crafting & have not used them yet. This would be PERFECT!! Spray them white, put a chore inside, add a magnet & DONE! 
Last night, I went over to my girlfriends house & guess what she wanted me to check out on her hall wall??
A magnetic chore chart!! Yes, almost identical to the one on the right. She used the metal, added the girls names on the top with stickers, and then she ordered round wooden circles & magnets. Great minds think alike!!

For now, though before I start my project- I do want the girls to start learning responsibilities, so I grabbed a printable one that looks like this:

Our chores are:  feed the cat, cat box, take trash out, make bed before leaving for school, brush teeth, before bedtime clean up room, etc... I have a BONUS area also- that has sweep, dishes, clean counters, etc..  You can do the BONUS for $$... But the rule is: You must have all regular chores crossed off before collecting any $$ for BONUS. We do chores, so we can make "special" trips in the mornings. This is the 2nd week, the first week they only did 1/4 of the chores for the week. They are not use to them so that is was ok for the 1st week. We all had a talk on Sunday, the deal is- the chart(s) for each girl is posted on the fridge, you know you need to do it. If it does not get done, then we do NOT got to Starbucks on Friday. End of story! This whole week I bought little items for their breakfast, so they can eat it in the car- so NO stopping! So far this week, the girls have done all their chores, very proud of them. I also told them that I will NOT remind them, they have to do them without reminders. That is what responsibility is all about, no one reminds me to pay my bills, to fill up my gas, to make sure I have lunches for the family......
As soon as I do my magnet project- I will post that. Thanks for reading!! 

1 comment:

  1. That is Grrrrrrreat! I think it will work -toward the active concept of what responsibility is!!!
    You are so hands-on! I Love It! I Love You! :)
