Friday, May 10, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week is coming.. MAY 6th-10th, 2013

I am going to make sure I can do something everyday for my daughter's teacher! I even wrote how many days we will have Hailey and how many things we need to do for her teacher.  I will buy all the things we need to use and then I will have the girls help me make them, so they can feel involved and the have pride in doing something nice for their teacher. Is it weird that I am so excited? 

I got this off a wonderful site. I made my own label on top in Word.

Danika for some reason was wanting to make colored pebbles in
a water bottle. So I had to talk her into a bigger rock as a paper weight!
It worked really well, she painted it and it looks nice. The end result was a little too much for me, but it was all about Danika and what she wanted. She really likes her teacher, so it comes from the heart.

First day goodies.. All sorts of candy and we baked cookies.  I found some grable boxes I got for samples and used those. I have tons and tons of thank you cards, so I got them to write a special note in there for the teachers. I really like to do this! Teachers do so much & to think now they have to protect our kids from violence too. Now they have the "lock down drills" which is scary, but I depend on their teachers to keep them safe!

 And Now they are ready to give them to their teachers.

 Last year, the one thing that I loved was the plant with the saying "thank you for helping me grow this year".. I like it because this plant will stay as long as the teacher takes care of it! It is such a great idea. Hailey wanted to paint hers so we found a terracotta plant and since Danika was still finishing her rock, I told her to get a planter that was ready to go.

Many thanks to the following bloggers:

1 comment:

  1. Genius! ... with a BIG HEART filled w/ Appreciation! and LOVE!
    These are things your girls will remember ... what you do and how you do it and the fact that they get to contribute!
