Friday, June 28, 2013

Mini cupcake omelette recipe

Sometimes, I am not even wanting to find anything and I get bored and got to Pintrest.. And then "BAM" all these cool recipes or things to do with the kids pop up! I am so addicted to Pintrest!!

I am not sure why it is, but men seem to be major creatures of habits. They can eat pizza 5 nights a week. They can have the same lunch 4 days a week.. to me that is BORING!! So, I try to jazz it up for my boyfriend. The sad thing is he is in construction like field and they have no microwaves, so he has to eat it cold or sandwiches. Since he has been working out, he like hard boiled eggs with toast or some starch of some sort. The last week he has been working so much that he has not been working out, so I am changing up his breakfast. He eats after he has been to work for a couple of hours. Also this week, my daily routine is off, because both girls are out of town & so my Sunday ritual got messed up! That is when I boil all my eggs, go grocery shopping, etc.. I usually boil 25-30 eggs and instead I just bought the bare minimum I had to on Sunday. So I got an 18 pack of eggs. Monday-Wednesday I made breakfast burritos for him.. Nothing special, so it was eggs and cheese. Guess what? I ran out of tortillas so now I had to think of something else.
I remember seeing muffin egg breakfasts online, so I decided to bake them last night at 11 pm. 

I changed the recipe up a little, from several I saw online..
I fried up 2 pieces of bacon, set it aside.  
Scrambled 3 eggs, with chopped green onions, added seasoning..
I added shredded cheese as well- I used the mexican mix.
I then used scissors (one of my major utensils I use all the time, much easier than a knife and quicker) to cut up the bacon and put it into the mini muffin tins. I then poured the scrambled egg mixture into the wells of the tin. REMINDER: only fill 3/4 of the way up!! It needs room to expand. I did not do this on all of them, because my eggs got crazy and starting spilling a little all over. :)
I must say they turned out delicious!!  350* for 25 min. Just watch it and then pull it out when you are ready. If you are going to heat them up again, I would under bake them by 5 min.

There you go! Already for breakfast in the morning!! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Reprimand my 7 year old....

I have a sassy 7 year old, who tests the limits every day with me. Her dad & I split up about 4 years ago. She never pushes the limits with her dad!  I have asked her why, and her exact words to me are, "Dads are mean & Scary"... I am not mean? "No, Mom you are easy!" How so? I put you in time out, I take things away, I send you to your room- Your dad does not do that because you do not pull the same things with him as you do with me. So, now a situation came up last night for me & I was not thinking clearly on the "right" reprimand to do. So in a way I had a brain fart! It happens to the best of us! After 15 min, it dawns on me that I should have turned off her TV. DUH!! I know, I know... The only thing I had said to her was that she was NOT getting dessert tomorrow.. Whop-pie, right?! So now I am scouring the web to find out different reprimands to have on hand, so I do not have another lapse. I like the Super Nanny & her "Rules" that are listed up in the kitchen. So, I am going to search for things like that..
.....STAY TUNED, to see what I come up with......

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Reorganizing the Medicine Cabinet

I got this idea from a similar medicine cabinet:
I LOVE all her stuff!! She had menu plans, storage solutions, learn to organize, etc...
My medicine cabinet is a shelf in my bathroom closet, not the whole shelf. I live in an old house, that has hardly in space for anything. I am about to turn my hall jacket closet into a pantry, because of the 2 shelving units holding food in my kitchen. That is another story all on it's own! A different time for that.


I think I saw on Pintrest pails for your medicine. I went to Michaels and in the dollar bins, I found these cool black board clips for only $1. Then the buckets were all on sale 1/2 price, so those were only $2.50 each. LOVE the colors!! I bought a pen to write on the little clips, and I matched the color with the pails. I usually keep the vitamins in the kitchen, but I may change that up to. But, for now it is fine.  

                                                          AFTER in the Cabinet:

My labels are Pain Relief, Children, Sleep Aid, and Cold & Allergy. I also kept that basket for band*aids, heel lotions, inhaler, etc.. kind of Misc stuff. I actually had a clip I could use that I wrote Misc on! I love it! Now no one has to ask me if we have this or that.. You can clearly see it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last Day of school for the girls is right around the corner!! June 6th & 7th.. time to think about gifts for students...

I had several ideas to do and I wanted to do them all, but I picked 2 that I liked. Let me tell you, next year ONLY stick with 1 idea! No need to do a bunch of them, that is just ridiculous! The ball ideas was awesome! Should have just stuck to that one and that would have been amazing. I had 60 balls to do and 60 crazy straws with Kool-Aid- not that much fun!! But they did turn out super cute!

I am a little disappointed in myself! I forgot to take a picture of the teachers basket!! *UGH
I got this idea off Pintrest: I will miss you Berry Much and it is a basket of Berry items..
I made my own signage, added a red card-stock to the back of it, glued it to a tongue depressor and added it the cool plastic container I bought awhile ago because I liked it but my daughter had taken it over to use for her dolls or something. I took it back, that way I did not have to spend money on another basket and we are down in item in our house- no Hoarder here! :) Here is the sign I made:
Yam Yam sticks-strawberry flavor
Strawberry Tic Tacs 
Berry Flavored Trident Gum
Breathe Lotion for Bath & Body Works
Raspberry Vanilla Hand Soap
Vanilla Candle
This You Rock Mug- I used a baked on pen and wrote her name on it & Danika signed the bottom 
Both Girls got these mugs for the teacher- Hailey's was just in a bag, I did not do a basket for her teacher because I figured her mom would do something also. I do not want to step on her toes!

 I put the 2 items in one bag and added these 'from' stickers on the backside of the bag! I made all these labels/signage in word! I love it!

~I had to update these pictures.. What was I thinking of having our last names posted all over...~

 This is it together in the bag! This is Danika's bag and I will upload Hailey's and it will look the same except her star is a little bigger! We walked into Danika's class with her box filled with these and kids are so funny! They all gathered around- I said she will pass them out. I asked Danika if she wanted me to put them in everyone's cubby for her and she said No Mom! Sorry almost took her thunder!

This was Danika at her end of the year BBQ picnic at the park. I stopped by on my lunch to see her, she was already exhausted and still had about 45 min left to play until they had to walk back to school! The trees are so beautiful! She has such a cheesy smile!! That is forced by the way! That is not her natural one, which is beautiful! Love my little girl! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fairy Dust

I found this on Pintrest, but it did not turn out as cool as they made it seem..
I saw another post by another blogger about it, and hers came out so clumpy!!
Our came out ok, the girls were excited but I was a little bummed out! I saw the picture, the girls did not!!
This is what is was suppose to be:
That looks cool!! 

This is how it turns out:
I think it still looks pretty cool, but not at all what I was expecting! Glow sticks with glitter.. I might not have used the correct glitter though!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Redoing chore chart!

I like the magnet chore chart, but decided that is not what works best for our family!
So now the girls are heading into Summer, and getting older: oppps and we have a new puppy!
As I was vacuuming the house the other day, my boyfriend said why are you doing that? We have 2 girls with chores that only last 5 minutes, you can add that to their list.. Who am I to argue? :)
I added more to their chores, I found a printable colorful chore list! The thing is I had to add my own pizzazz to it. Changed the title and added pictures with our chores for our house. I did not do it the cool way though- I literally took my scissors out and glue: printed up pictures and the writing and cut and pasted on my printable! Old school, I know! But that is how I roll..
Here is the new list!

The girls love them! Not only for the pictures, but they are excited about sweeping and vacuuming. We will see how long that lasts!