Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last Day of school for the girls is right around the corner!! June 6th & 7th.. time to think about gifts for students...

I had several ideas to do and I wanted to do them all, but I picked 2 that I liked. Let me tell you, next year ONLY stick with 1 idea! No need to do a bunch of them, that is just ridiculous! The ball ideas was awesome! Should have just stuck to that one and that would have been amazing. I had 60 balls to do and 60 crazy straws with Kool-Aid- not that much fun!! But they did turn out super cute!

I am a little disappointed in myself! I forgot to take a picture of the teachers basket!! *UGH
I got this idea off Pintrest: I will miss you Berry Much and it is a basket of Berry items..
I made my own signage, added a red card-stock to the back of it, glued it to a tongue depressor and added it the cool plastic container I bought awhile ago because I liked it but my daughter had taken it over to use for her dolls or something. I took it back, that way I did not have to spend money on another basket and we are down in item in our house- no Hoarder here! :) Here is the sign I made:
Yam Yam sticks-strawberry flavor
Strawberry Tic Tacs 
Berry Flavored Trident Gum
Breathe Lotion for Bath & Body Works
Raspberry Vanilla Hand Soap
Vanilla Candle
This You Rock Mug- I used a baked on pen and wrote her name on it & Danika signed the bottom 
Both Girls got these mugs for the teacher- Hailey's was just in a bag, I did not do a basket for her teacher because I figured her mom would do something also. I do not want to step on her toes!

 I put the 2 items in one bag and added these 'from' stickers on the backside of the bag! I made all these labels/signage in word! I love it!

~I had to update these pictures.. What was I thinking of having our last names posted all over...~

 This is it together in the bag! This is Danika's bag and I will upload Hailey's and it will look the same except her star is a little bigger! We walked into Danika's class with her box filled with these and kids are so funny! They all gathered around- I said she will pass them out. I asked Danika if she wanted me to put them in everyone's cubby for her and she said No Mom! Sorry almost took her thunder!

This was Danika at her end of the year BBQ picnic at the park. I stopped by on my lunch to see her, she was already exhausted and still had about 45 min left to play until they had to walk back to school! The trees are so beautiful! She has such a cheesy smile!! That is forced by the way! That is not her natural one, which is beautiful! Love my little girl! 

1 comment:

  1. You are such a COOOOOOL Mother and "Bonus Mother" ... Your thoughfulness and eagerness to please and make important people in your life and your kids and people in their lives,etc ... to let people know they make a difference.
    I am so proud to call you my daughter. You have such a kind and generous heart w/an amazing "get it done" attitude.
