Easter Baskets with YARN! Yes, belive it! You do not need much. So my friend posted hers on FaceBook and I was so intrigued and an aww.. so I had to do it myself. I was going to do it with my girls but seemed like Easter krept up on us faster than I thought. I did this on the Friday before and finished at almost midnight. I am so glad I did not have the girls do this, it was very messy and the first one took for ever to get it completed. I got 2 balloons and blew them up as big as I could. I then looked at several ways people put these together. Someone used mod podge, and I had some but that is very expensive to be using. So then I googled glue or some kind of hardening agent.. The thing I found and found it pretty quickly was called pinata glue- cheap! I ended up using flour and water. NO measuring just make it pretty liquidy. I through the yarn all in the mix. The thing is it will get knotted up if you are not careful.

Thank you to a dear friend of mine, Katy Bruckner for this amazing idea!!