I found this saying & I love it- so I put it nicely together to hang at my desk at work and home!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Mother's Day
Since I have a bonus child, I wanted to help her with her Mother's Day gift.. I was at Michaels and saw a bunch of things that were not very expensive, I could throw together. And I found a pack of 2 of these scrapbooks for only $2.99 what a deal! So I decided I would make a scrapbook for her. I asked Hailey to write a poem or letter to her mom, but I know she did not do it. So I ended up printing a fill in that she can add 3 things to it and BAM we are done!

Special Thanks to:

This will go in the inside cover of the scrapbook!

I found this cute game idea- the M&M game.. mommy & me.
It is packed with peanut and plain M&M's, what you do is: throw the M&M's in the box and grab a color.. the color corresponding with a question. So you get to learn about your mom as well as she gets to learn about her daughter.
~This here is a journal with I love Mom sticker on the top of it, with a notepad in the same design, a bracelet with D on it for Hailey's mom, and then a huge paperclip to hold notes or whatever you would like. Then I topped it off with some crazy ribbon that kind of matched~! Hailey was telling me, "my mom is so lucky". Her mom will probably give it to her if she won't use it. :)
Friday, May 10, 2013
Teacher Appreciation Week is coming.. MAY 6th-10th, 2013
I am going to make sure I can do something everyday for my daughter's teacher! I even wrote how many days we will have Hailey and how many things we need to do for her teacher. I will buy all the things we need to use and then I will have the girls help me make them, so they can feel involved and the have pride in doing something nice for their teacher. Is it weird that I am so excited?

Danika for some reason was wanting to make colored pebbles in
a water bottle. So I had to talk her into a bigger rock as a paper weight!
It worked really well, she painted it and it looks nice. The end result was a little too much for me, but it was all about Danika and what she wanted. She really likes her teacher, so it comes from the heart.
First day goodies.. All sorts of candy and we baked cookies. I found some grable boxes I got for samples and used those. I have tons and tons of thank you cards, so I got them to write a special note in there for the teachers. I really like to do this! Teachers do so much & to think now they have to protect our kids from violence too. Now they have the "lock down drills" which is scary, but I depend on their teachers to keep them safe!

Many thanks to the following bloggers:

Friday, May 3, 2013
Cozi Central
This is the best Family Organizer App and Online product out there! I love Cozi-
*Meal Planner
*Recipe Keeper
*To do List (can be sent to your mobile device)
*Message other family members
~LOVE_LOVE this!
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