I make sandwiches every day during the week, for my boyfriend & my daughter. I have a lot of ends left over. I also cut out my daughter's sandwich into shapes- mainly heart, sometimes a star. This way she does not have to eat the crust. I came up with this idea, because I ran out of store bought breadcrumbs. I needed them for a recipe and was bummed I did not have any on hand, then I realized I throw away bread every day. DUH!! I started saving the ends and the cut out parts. I wanted to give this away for Christmas as well, but I did not get to it in time. So over the last 2 months I made 4 jars- I had to throw 1 of the jar away,
Since that was burned. The first batch I made I did differently than I did the second batch. I first chopped up all the bread crumbs in my nifty little magic bullet. Then added seasoning, then baked it! The second time around I toasted all the bread first, let it sit and cool, chopped it into a blender magic bullet, added seasonings & DONE!
I printed up labels, but once again did not use stickers. I used regular paper and then MOD PODGE it on there.. The first batch, my girlfriend loved it! It has mainly wheat bread in it. A little white bread but not much at all. So it is healthier for you, I think!
I used a whole bottle of Italian Seasoning with Garlic Powder- no measuring just by the eye.
I am impressed with myself, I must admit. I am glad I will not have to buy my breadcrumbs from the store anymore. I can make whatever flavoring I want & I usually always have left over bread!
I am impressed w/you, too, Amber! And it's nice to read that you are impressed with your own genius! :) So proud of you!