I painted the back of some, since they all were beer and my girls are in Middle and Elementary School, do not really want them handing out BFF on the back is budlight. ;)
So I did these 2 ways, I bought these Epoxy 3d stickers that are so super easy makes me feel like I cheated.. You literally just added it on top of the picture you put in the cap.
I started with Microsoft word document, you do a 1" circle and then fill that circle with the picture. I bought a 1" circle cutter and made a kit for myself. This kit was just a rectangle shoe box I bought at the dollar store, but I put everything in there I need to make these.. I bought necklace chains at JoAnn's with a coupon and they only come with 3 chains. I had to punch 2 holes into it to make it look nice with a necklace.. I looked and looked for keychains and the only place I can find them was on Ali Express. They shipped really fast, and it was exactly what I was looking for.
I had this 3d glass from Creative memories- so this is what I used as the top glaze. Less is more! Trust me, I had to ruin a couple here and there to figure it out. I like this idea so much for birthdays to sell online maybe! The girls get a kick out of it, seeing as my daughter had pulled tons out for herself when she was suppose to be making gifts! ;) Funny girls!
We did Grandma Rocks as magnets and those are nice gifts!
The tools you will need are the following:
Bottle Caps
Key chains and or necklaces, magnets and hot glue
If you do the magnets, no need to paint the backside!
Metal Whole punch
1" diameter punch
Clear Glaze (3d lacquer) or Epoxy Stickers (1")
A printer
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